Start the Conversation

Hello reader!

After a long absence, I think I want to start sharing my ideas on my blog.

For quite a while now, I’ve been thinking that American Christians are not sharing their faith. I certainly know that I don’t, and I believe this hinders my spiritual growth and causes me to miss out on the joy and blessings of God. Let me explain.

I believe we are much, much more willing to start a new Bible study or class hoping to get something from it that makes us feel good about ourselves. Certainly God wants us to study the Bible. He wants us to grow in knowledge and wisdom. It is a good thing to do.

Yet I think we can too easily become takers and not talkers. We are consumers of the many wonderful books and studies that pervade our Christian culture. But if we are always taking and consuming, and not sharing, we are stopping the flow of God’s work and purpose for us. We are always taking in God’s Word, but not sharing what we learn with people in our lives that need to hear about God and His plan to give them eternal life.

There’s a lot of reasons we don’t share, and each of us knows why we don’t. Its time for each of us to take seriously our call to be Christ’s disciples, and start reaching out to the people God has put in our lives for us to share the love of God with. Not sharing means were not getting the joy and blessing God is ready to pour out in our lives.

So I’m going to make a commitment in my own life to start the conversation about God with the people God has put in my life. I at least want them to know what I believe and how believing makes life great. How about you? Does this encourage you to do the same? Do we love the people in our lives? Then we should tell them about God!

Let’s start the conversation and see what God can do!